Student Life

At Ogle School Atlanta our student advisors are dedicated to supporting your individual needs and interests. Explore a thriving community, receive personalized support, and prepare for a successful career in the beauty industry. Join us and become part of the Ogle School family!

  • Career Goals

    Get support in finding the perfect job after graduation.

  • Attendance

    Ask questions about attendance and hours.

  • Academics

    Stay updated on your academic progress.

  • Class Schedules

    Ask questions about class schedules.

  • Graduation Requirements

    Stay updated on progress towards graduation and licensure preparation.

  • Payments

    Get information on your payments as your progress in your program.

  • Daycare Assistance

    Find support for your childcare needs while you study.

  • Transportation Needs

    Get information on transportation arrangements.

Available on the App Store, link to download the MyOgleTrack App.
Get it on Google Play, link to download the MyOgleTrack App.

It’s the best of the best. When they see Ogle on that app or resume, let’s just say I have always gotten whatever job I applied for.

Kara Milledge / Ogle School Graduate
Next Class In Atlanta Starts: January 13th
Next Class In Atlanta Starts: January 13th